Art During the Hong Kong Protests
Our Vintage by "@harcourtromanticist" (2019) Untitled by Unkown (2019) HongKongers Stand as one by "Phesti" Works regarding the 2019 Hong Kong protests are unique to past works in some ways and very similar to them in others. Art inspired by the Hong Kong protests is closely interlinked with anonymity and internet usage. This is because for many their only safe way to participate in the protest was to show support for it anonymously online. As a result, it is sometimes difficult to gather information on artistic works that support the movement, as was the case with these works. The creators of Our Vintage and HongKongers Stand as one were only identifiable by their online handles, and the third artwork Untitled (not the name but I will continue to refer to it as Untitled for clarity) was unable to be identified by either an author or a name. The first work, Our Vintage , is a direct reference to the French-Revolution era painting...